Institute opening ceremony and presentations

Together with the HAS RCH Institute of Archeology we would like to invite all colleagues and those who are interested in the new headquarters of the HAS RCH to join us at the offic...

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International Workshop in Kiel: Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years

English version coming soon. We are currently working on the English version of the article. Please, come back later.

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International conference on the Neolithic Period and Bronze Age of Southern Transdanubia

English version coming soon. We are currently working on the English version of the article. Please, come back later.

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Dating Bronze Age changes – Part 1.

English version coming soon. We are currently working on the English version of the article. Please, come back later.

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Viktória Kiss awarded with Kuzsinszky Bálint commemorative medal

Viktória Kiss, senior research fellow of the HAS FA IA, leader of our research group was awarded with Kuzsinszky Bálint commemorative medal at the meeting of the Hungarian Archeology and Art...

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Dating of cremated bones – Discussion in Debrecen

An important pillar of our project is the more accurate AMS radiocarbon dating of samples (human bones) from burials in order to clarify the absolute chronology of Early and Middle Bron...

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Some data on costume of 4000 years ago

The Scarbantia Társaság at Sopron started the new year with the lecture of our young researcher, Eszter Melis. The presentation focused on the Early and Middle Bronze Age costume elemen...

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Momentum Mobility Research Group gets excellent rates

As the leader of Momentum Mobility Research Group I would like to thank all the members and cooperating partners for working together in the first year of research with a great ple...

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New impulse in the archaeological and interdisciplinar research of the Bronze Age

Interdisciplinary research of the Bronze Age is among the priority programs of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The lecture of Viktória Kiss held at 7th December 2016, 17:00...

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Conference and workshop on gendered identities in Klement

In the latest issue of TEA (The European Archaeologist) a conference report has been published on the gender-workshop organized at the end of September in Klement, Austria (Multiple fem...

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Bronzeworking from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages – Report on the workshop

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for Humanities, Institute of Archaeology and the ’Momentum’ Mobility Research Group of HAS RCH IA organized a scientific conference titled ...

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Workshop on Bronzeworking – Programme

Bronzeworking from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages Workshop on the possibilities of archaeological and historical study of bronze objects a scientific conference organized by HAS ...

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New tools in humanities: bioarchaeology and biosocial archaeology

What kind of science is modern archeology? In Central Europe, it is traditionally part of the historical sciences, sometimes considered an auxiliary science of the latter. At the same time, ...

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The ‘Momentum’ Programme in Humanities – scientific meeting at the HAS

On the occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival a scientific meeting was organized by the Institute of Philosophy and the Institute of History of HAS on November 17, 2016, titled The ...

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3rd meeting of the Central Europe TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group)

The third meeting of the Central European Theoretical Archaeology Group was held in Bratislava, between 8th-9th November, 2016. At the international conference where mostly Czech a...

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