Evidences of Bronze Age Mobility 2. – The Amesbury Archer and the question of the Bell Beaker migration

In the second part of our series we sum up the recent archaeogenetic results of the European Neolithic Period and Bronze Age, as well as stable isotope studies of the famous Bell Beaker warr...

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Evidences of Bronze Age Mobility 1. – The Big Question: Change or Migration?

All the evidence that we have for the lives of prehistoric people past comes from the material culture, including ceramic vessels, funerary habits and settlements – and, of c...

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“Bronze Age Mysteries” – Broadcast premiere for our documentary on M5

The premiere for our short documentary titled “Bronze Age Mysteries” by Real Pictures Production was broadcasted on Sunday, February 18, on channel M5. “Archaeologist...

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Mobility and exchanges in the Bronze Age

Migration (changing the domicile of people in the hope of more favorable living conditions) is one of the most current political and social issues of our day. However, not only researchers o...

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Ágnes Király was awarded with Academic Youth Prize

Eighteen young researchers received the Academy Youth Prize from the leaders of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on January 31, 2018. The Academic Youth Prize was founded by the Secretary ...

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Viktória Kiss holds a lecture at the Hungarian National Museum

Organized by the Hungarian Archeological and Art History Society, we kindly invite all interested parties to the lecture of Viktória Kiss who was awarded a Kuzsinszky Bálint commemorat...

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In search of Eastern connections

A member of our research team, Géza Szabó participated a conference last November in Vladikavkaz titled “The 21st century paradigm shift in the Nart Studies”. The meeting wa...

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The Momentum Mobility Research Group was rated excellent again

As the principal investigator of the Momentum Mobility Research Group, HAS RCH IA, I would like to thank the whole lead partner team and all the cooperating associated&nb...

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We have reached 500 Facebook fans

By early December 2017, we’ve reached the magical 500 followers on Facebook! Thank you so much for being with us! 🙂

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Italian-Austrian-Hungarian workshop on the Bronze Age cremation burials

The workshop aimed to strengthen the cooperation between different institutions working on the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age urnfields in Hungary, Northern Balkans, Northern Italy and Austri...

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Claudio Cavazzuti’s lecture on the Bronze Age of Northern Italy at the HAS RCH Institute of Archaeology

The HAS RCH Institute of Archeology and the HAS RCH IA ‘Momentum’ Mobility Research Group are pleased to invite you to the lecture of Dr. Claudio Cavazzuti, Marie Skłodowska-Curie...

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Cremation burials in Europe between the 2nd mill. B.C. and the 4th c. A.D. – an international archeological and anthropological conference in Munich

The ArchaeoBioCenter of the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich organized a conference between 12 and 14 October 2017, which focused on discussing the results of the DFG project inve...

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International conference on Bronze Age exchange networks in Târgu Jiu

From 4th to 7th October 2017, an international conference titled Local consumption and assimilation of foreign goods in the European Bronze Age was organized in the cooperation of the V...

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Roberto Risch’s lecture on the Copper and Bronze Age of the Iberian Peninsula at the HAS RCH Institute of Archaeology

The HAS RCH Institute of Archeology and the HAS RCH IA ‘Momentum’ Mobility Research Group are pleased to invite you to the lecture of Prof. Dr. Roberto Risch, Head of the Archaeol...

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