Focusing on Bronze Age People

The ‘Momentum’ Mobility Research Group of the Institute of Archaeology, HAS RCH aims to get a better understanding of the lifestyle of Bronze Age people during a five-year period of research...

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Carpathian Basin supposed to be a migration center during the Bronze Age

Archaeological records show that during the Bronze Age immigrants have arrived in the Carpathian Basin from several directions. Nowadays, these migrations can not only be exam...

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From bones, bronzes and sites to society – The European Archaeologist 2016

The European Archaeologist – Issue 48 Spring 2016 From bones, bronzes and sites to society: Multidisciplinary analysis of human mobility and social changes in Bronze Age Hungary (2500–1500 B...

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‘Momentum’ 2015 – Project Opening Session

The project opening session of ‘Momentum’ Mobility Research Group, HAS RCH Institute of Archaeology was held on 17 November 2015, hosted by the Council Hall of the...

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Minden Tudás

Minden Tudás (MTVA; Kiss Viktória, Szeverényi Vajk, Hajdu Tamás közreműködésével), 2015. július 3.

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ELTE lecturer gets published in Nature

(Magyar) ELTE honlap hír

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A bronzkorban alakult ki Eurázsia mai arca

(Magyar) Origo interjú (A bronzkorban alakult ki Eurázsia mai arca, 2015. június 16.)

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