The Momentum Mobility Research Group has completed its five-year research period with excellent qualifications

The work and final report of the Momentum Mobility Research Group, which has been operating at the Institute of Archeology of the Research Centre for the Humanities since July 2015, was rate...

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Bringing Down the Iron Curtain. New book about the Paradigmatic Change in Research on the Bronze Age in Central and Eastern Europe

A volume collecting the lectures presented at the Bringing Down the Iron Curtain. Paradigmatic Change in Research on the Bronze Age in Central and Eastern Europe? session of the European As...

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Bronze Age embodied 1.1. The chief from Balatonakali

“Artefact of the Month” or short news about a beautiful and interesting object is often featured on the websites of many museums. The work of our research group, however, focuses...

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Bronze Age embodied: new series of our research group

Momentum Mobility Research Group focuses directly on Bronze Age people. Like other teams of the Research Centre for the Humanities, granted by the Momentum Programme of the Hungarian Academy...

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Archaeological excursions along the Arany Stream – Treasures of the Bronze Age cemetery of Nagycenk 5.

Cemeteries similar to the one at Nagycenk (described in our previous posts), are known in relatively large numbers from Austria, Western Hungary and Slovakia. Together, more than 1500 graves...

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Our performance in year 4 was considered successful

In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Lendület (“Momentum”) Programme and the continuous and consistent application of the principles of excellence, the annual r...

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Not only bones and objects, but human stories

An interview at with Viktória Kiss (Hungarian):

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Prehistoric Communities along the Danube – international conference at Osijek

At the end of November (28-29th) we attended an international conference titled Prehistoric Communities along the Danube at Osijek, organized by the Zagreb Institute of Archeology and the Ar...

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Neighbourliness – Early Bronze Age conference in Slovakia

This is the 26th time that the “Early Bronze Age in Central Europe” conference has been held from October 21 to 24, 2019. This time the event was organized by the University of B...

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Following the path of metalworkers – lectures at the Polish Academy of Sciences Wrocław Branch, Institute of Archeology

Invited by Bogusław Gediga, professor emeritus of the Polish Academy of Sciences Wrocław Branch, we had the opportunity to travel to Wroclaw between 7-9th October 2019, to give a lecture on ...

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Public revival of Bronze Age craftsmanship

The international exhibition titled „CRAFTER – Crafting Europe in the Bronze Age and Today” is now open in the café of the Déri Museum in Debrecen. The project, funded by the Creative Europe...

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Burial customs and funerary rites – Treasures of the Bronze Age cemetery of Nagycenk 4.

In our previous post, we attempted to reconstruct wooden remains, e.g. the use of a bronze axe from an elite burial (grave 55) discovered in the cemetery of Nagycenk-Lapos-rét, used between ...

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„CRAFTER – Crafting Europe in the Bronze Age and Today” – exhibition opening in Debrecen

CRAFTER arrived at the final stage of the project. Visitors are cordially invited to the opening ceremony of the exhibition „CRAFTER – Crafting Europe in the Bronze Age and Today” that takes...

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Back to Bronze Age craftsmanship: another stage of the CRAFTER project

CRAFTER (Crafting Europe in the Bronze Age and Today) project was launched a year ago, in July 2018, implemented in the framework of the European Year of the Cultural Heritage 2018 ...

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Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2019 conference in Miskolc

From the 19th to the 21st June, 2019 Hungary hosted an international conference repeated every four years, titled Archaeometallurgy in Europe. The meeting which is one of the most prestigiou...

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